I'm a new face in a flooded market and it's hard to break into this when there are so many people taking short cuts and selling crap, it tends to put people off trying new stores when there are so many amazing popular designers out there. I spend a great deal of time on each and every one of my creations making sure I place every prim as precisely as possible and trying to add as much tiny detail as I can within prim linking limits hence the amount of time between releases. The one thing I can be proud of is that the few sales I have made have never had a single complaint and that makes it worthwhile.
So what have I been up to since the last post? Lots of background stuff, mainly attempting to get the name out to the public, with virtually no success I must admit, but with the general guidance of my good friend Tracy Rubble of **Trubble** I am trying a different strategy so fingers crossed.
So where am I taking Dragon Charm Designs in the future? I'm currently working on a new Navajo Indian collection which will only be available on the Spirit Nations sim, I'm going through the thought processes of a few exclusives and maybe some limited editions. There is also a line of parent and child jewellery in the pipeline inspired by my sister due to give birth to a baby girl very soon and she's planning on taking this to the next level of having a child avi daughter when the time comes. So there is lots going on in the background and more in the design process waiting for me to build....watch this space...
You can find my main store at: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Ivalde/186/87/25
And my smaller store at: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Fusion%20Crossing/128/142/23
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